Post by lucian on May 3, 2005 10:27:56 GMT -8
After her encounter with the Queen in second film, Ripley again toke it apon herself to square off with the deadly foe she always enjoyed fighting.  And AIII has more action scence,more familier cast of chracters & whathaveyou. Not really bad movie,but if you're into Alien films,this 3rd film packs intresting wallop,I know,cause I have watched it lots of times. Plus I own all 4. I should watch it again later on,AIII just eagered me to come home & sleep with it. 
Dr. Hannibal Lecter
Posts: 1,289
Last Online: Nov 29, 2014 21:46:42 GMT -8
Post by Stinger on Sept 12, 2005 12:16:36 GMT -8
If you own all four I guess I won't need to be recording any of them for you after all.  Ripley looked bad ass with that bald head.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter
Posts: 2,294
Last Online: Aug 6, 2009 17:07:53 GMT -8
Post by Lucian on Sept 13, 2005 11:13:04 GMT -8
This thread is old Stinger.Nothing isn't what it seems anymore.