After seven easy time in MONTEITH CORRECTIONAL CENTRE, I'm
finally FREEEEEEEEE!!! ;D
I just got released yesterday, and I sure hellishly happy of getting the
things back that I so sorely to continuel keeping.
Reason why I'm jail?Let's just say that some complications happen to
upset me.....remember this GHOSTGIRL insitend?About how she drove
me off the wall,saying those mean things to me?Well,she got me into the
jam,but am very glad that so-called relationship is over with.
Jee,I'm still wearing jail cloths since the TRANSFER TRUCK broke down,
which left some of us guys stranded in SAULT STE MARIE, which also
resulted them carrying all my cloths back to THUNDER BAY,yeesh.
Hopefully tomorrow I get my belongings back,cause it's awkard walking
around with um...cloths that seemed jail-like.LOL.